Stunt Hunting and Stunt Busting

An exploration of protection against pass rush games using player tracking data and binary classification models

In this study we identified and classified pass stunts from Weeks 1-8 of the 2021 NFL season using player tracking data. We use these observations to test commonly held beliefs about successful protection against stunts and uncover other relevant aspects using feature importance measures. Model probability outputs are then used to distinguish likely pass rush wins from likely losses and compare feature expression between these groups. We then model pass rush win rate allowed using predictions from an LSTM classifier and discussed applications to player evaluation in opponent, self and pro scout settings.


A Python package for accessing college football play-by-play data

Scrapes and parses college football play-by-play data using BeautifulSoup4. Contains modules for storing data with SQLite and producing csv spreadsheets that can be imported directly into Hudl.

Recruiting Info Package

Scrapes recruiting service data and matches it to college roster info

Uses selenium to scrape interactive web data from three major football recruiting services. Employs fuzzy matching and other distance metrics to generate comparison scores, which are used to facilitate manual selection of matches.

Hudl Analysis Program

Automated report generator using Hudl breakdown exports

Python program using csv exports of charted Hudl game film to generate custom opponent tendency reports.

Data Visualizations

Charts, graphs and animations created with matplotlib and seabornfor the Stunt Busters report.